Our Mission

Sharing our faith in Jesus through lives lived in love.


What we do

  • Try to live as Jesus’ disciples every day.

  • Tell people about Jesus wherever we find them, in whatever way is most effective and meaningful to them.

  • Teach people how they can live as Jesus’ followers showing his love.

  • Practice Christian worship in all its forms to the glory of God and the blessing of individuals.

  • Offer ourselves to the Holy Spirit as channels for his work of healing and reconciliation.

  • Provide a Christian framework to help people navigate the challenges of life and its rites of passage.

How we do it

  • Welcome everyone to engage with us in life and mission (evangelism, social concern and social justice) by living local, thinking global.

  • Create a nurturing environment, where all may flourish, through open-handed love without discrimination as to background or personal circumstances.

  • Exercise wisdom to protect the old, the young, the vulnerable and those experiencing times of crisis or special need.

  • Actively engage with seekers after truth and people of other faiths (or none) to develop mutual understanding and an environment in which trust and respect allow love to flourish.

  • Help people to understand and respond to the major ethical and moral challenges in life.

  • Put our people and premises and finances to use in serving the practical and spiritual needs in our neighbourhoods.

  • Facilitate the expression of worship in forms that are appropriate for different individuals and groups.

How we support it

  • Create and sustain a community of Christians in the South Nottingham area.

  • Provide a framework in which people are able to exercise their God-given gifts for the blessing of all.

  • Share financial and property resources to provide the people and venues to serve our mission needs.

  • Participate in the wider Christian network of the Methodist Connexion in order to give and receive support.

  • Form formal and informal partnerships with other Christian groups.